We welcome entries from all!
Our friendly, traditional competitions are open to everyone who grows their own vegetables, makes their own preserves or produces anything listed in the schedule. It’s not just for the ‘experts’ so no one should feel excluded as we welcome entries from all.
The Horticulture, Cookery and Crafts section entry co-ordinator is Sheila Mathers.
Tel: 07796 802050
Email: sheila.mathers@hotmail.com
£25 Myhills Voucher for each Class Winner in Classes 1-12
*New for 2025*
£10 Myhills Voucher for each First Prize Winner in the Children's classes 13-14
Children’s competitions, for those up to 16 year old, are free to enter. Details are provided on the form which can be viewed and/or downloaded below.
Delivery and collection of exhibits: Exhibits should be taken to the marquee on the day of the show between 07:45 and 08:30 or non-perishable items may be brought to the marquee the day before the show between 14:00 and 16:30. Please note that directions will be signposted on arrival at the above mentioned times. Exhibits can be collected between 16:00 and 17:00 on show day. Those not retrieved by 17:00 will be disposed of as necessary.
Entry forms must be submitted by Thursday 31 July 2025 to Sheila Mathers at the address provided on the form.